Domain Name Transfers

Moving to Domain Registry Asia? Transfer you domain FREE, quickly and easily.

Transferring your existing domains to Domain Registry Asia is quick, simple and comes with many benefits. Keep all your domains together in the one account and administer them 24x7 with the powerful management features provided by our customer console.

As we are an China owned provider transferring .cn domains is completely FREE and future renewals could save you even more money, compared to other providers.

If you own large numbers of domain names you can transfer them in bulk via our online customer console.

Important things to consider

.cn Domains (,,

  • * .cn transfers are actioned once confirmation has been received by Domain Registry Asia from the authorised contact for the domain
  • * It takes 48 hours for the relevant domain registry to transfer the domain
  • * The transfer process is completely FREE!

Top level domains (.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz)

  • * Top level domain transfers take 5 - 10 days to complete
  • * You may have to contact your current domain registration provider to remove a registrar lock on your domain before you begin, we can assist in this if you need help.
  • * Requires a minimum of 1 year renewal upon transfer, which is then added to the end of your registration period.